Do you have a question for the Colorado Department of Revenue that you can’t find online? Have you tried calling Revenue only to get stuck on hold? If the question can wait a few days, consider using the Citizens’ Advocate. The Citizen Advocate helps customers with Revenue-related inquiries. You can fill out a concern form by going here on the Revenue website. Before doing that, however, double-check to make sure that you’ve thoroughly searched the Revenue website for an answer to your question. There’s even a very valuable FAQ on the Revenue website you should consult as well.
If you’re looking for help with basic business start-up or licensing help, consider calling the Small Business Navigator. The Small Business Navigator is available Monday through Friday during normal business hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm). The Navigator can answer basic start-up questions and connect you with resources and information relating to starting a business here in Colorado. You can call the Navigator at 303-592-5920.