The Colorado SBDC Network is here to help businesses who have been affected by recent disasters in Colorado including response to the current health crisis. Our consultants and partners including the SBA and the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade provide services to assist with disaster loan applications, long term planning, insurance navigation, physical and economic loss estimations, business preparedness and more
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Federal Financing Options
PPP Loans & EIDL
Request Consulting at Your Local SBDC
COVID-19 Resources
Most entrepreneurs know that a well-conceived business plan is critical to the success of a new business. It should be just as clear that a business resiliency plan will be critical to the sustainability and success of your business.
Every business will face an unexpected disruption at some point. The planning you do now can mean the difference in how quickly—or whether—your business recovers.
COVID-19 Recursos para Pequeños Negocios
Upcoming Colorado SBDC COVID-19 Disaster Response Webinars
The Colorado SBDC Networking is regularly hosting webinars to guide you through the COVID-19 emergency response and preparedness.
CARES Act Loan Checklist
COVID-19 Small Business Response Resources
The Colorado Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC) is here to help businesses affected by recent disasters in Colorado, including how to respond to the current health crisis. Our consultants and partners—including the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)— provide services to assist with disaster loan applications, longterm planning, insurance navigation, physical and economic loss estimations, business preparedness and more. Please note, the SBDC is not a health organization; for latest news regarding the current health situation, please contact the resources listed in this guide.
COVID-19 Small Business Hotline
The Small Business Navigator is the first point of contact for new and existing business owners with questions about federal, state and local licensing requirements. The navigator also provides referrals to a variety of state and federal assistance programs and local small business training. In addition, the navigator maintains a comprehensive database of federal, state and local regulatory and permitting requirements. SMALL BUSINESS COVID-19 DISASTER RESPONSE HOTLINE: 303-860-5881 ((OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-5PM))
Treasury and IRS Issue Guidance on Deferring Tax Payments Due to COVID-19 Outbreak
US Patent and Trademark Office Alert: Closure of USPTO facilities to the public