In order to secure the CSBDCs status as a nationally accredited program, client satisfaction levels must be tracked by center and network-wide. Sub-centers are responsible for the submission of monthly tallies of client satisfaction responses to a statewide-standardized evaluation form to the Lead Center. The Lead Center will aggregate and trend these numbers in order to provide sub-centers with periodic performance updates through the lens of client satisfaction. Further sub-center requirements, including detailed descriptions, are outlined below.

Documents Required
Standardized Statewide Evaluation Form for Training and Consulting
The Lead Center has provided each sub-center with a standardized statewide evaluation questions for training and consulting. If a sub-center wishes to add more questions to the evaluation for needs assessment purposes, this is acceptable; however, each evaluation form must contain each of the questions on the standardized state question list for consistency.

Standardized Statewide Evaluation Process
The Lead Center has set up a standardized process of online evaluation forms being sent after each session. This may be adjusted based on the amount of visits. The sub-center is required to pull their evaluations results from CenterIC monthly, and submit their satisfaction rates to the Lead Center to be added to the Scorecard.

Process Instructions
Each sub-center is responsible for ensuring that all clients receive evaluation forms after each consulting and training session.
Due to the automatic sending of the evaluation after each session, it is the responsibility of the director to ensure they are completing the documentation. A follow up email may need to be sent or a phone call discussing the importance of completing the form. However, circumstances may prohibit the realization of a “perfect” 100% submission rate. The reports turned into the Lead Center evidence total number of clients served in a given month and compare this to total number submitted by the sub-center. If this reveals that less than 25% of clients served were completed the online evaluation forms, the sub-center may be subject to reprimand by the State Director or a further program audit.

The Lead Center will review the completed submissions and trend the evaluations quarterly and enter manually into the Scorecard
The Lead Center will save the monthly evaluation reports turned in, and use these to enter the satisfaction numbers into the Scorecard.

For any negative feedback or responses the Center Director should review the session notes and attempt to resolve the client’s issues.
Any negative feedback on the evaluations should be investigated by the center director by first talking with the consultant or trainer of the session. Further investigation may include looking at the clients previous session notes and attendance figures. If appropriate, the State Director should be notified of the situation. After a thorough investigation the center director (or State Director if appropriate) should try to resolve the issue(s) as best they can.

All sub-centers are responsible for the submission of client satisfaction evaluations as dictated by the Lead Center. This is a continual process.


The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Template details the strategic objectives for the network and each local center. It also becomes the basis from which each center completes its Annual Work-plan. A Balanced Scorecard is an approach to strategic management that provides a clear description as to what the SBDC should measure in order to achieve stated goals and objectives. A Balanced Scorecard can be thought of as:
A management system and a measurement system
Clarification of the organization’s vision and strategy
Enhancing ability to translate the vision and strategy into action
Feedback about internal processes and external outcomes that can be used to continuously improve strategic performance and results
A tool to transform strategic planning into an effective and efficient “nerve center.”
See Appendix A-2 for a sample Balanced Scorecard
Timing – Balanced Scorecards (BSC) are automatically accumulated as data is entered in CenterIC. The centers should be looking at their Scorecard monthly to ensure accuracy and legitimacy of the numbers.

Column 1: Perspective = Each “perspective” in the BSC allows SBDC directors to look at the organization from six important perspectives. For each perspective metrics are developed, data is collected and analyzed.

  • E: Economic Perspective (How do we help our clients achieve economic impact?)
  • C: Client Perspective (How do our clients see us?)
  • I: Internal Processes (How do we operate more effectively and contine to grow and create value?)
  • P: Professional Development (What do we excel at and continually grow our internal knowledge?)
  • F: Financial/Funding Perspective (How do we operate cost effectively and ensure the longevity of our program)
  • S: Stakeholders Perspective (How do our stakeholders see us?)

Column 2: Theme = These are the main strategic themes of the Colorado SBDC network and are carried over from the Strategy Map. The Three Themes are:

  • Core Values: These will typically remain constant and are the foundation of the program
  • SWB-Statewide Breakthrough: These are determined by the Lead Center and the network
  • Local-Local Themes: Center specific based on community needs and center resources

Column 3:Strategic Objectives = These are succinct statements, beginning with a verb describing what we must do well in each of the 6 perspectives

  • Strategic Objectives charted on the Strategy Map in Column 1,2 or 3 respectively. Local center strategic objectives are in Column 3 of the strategy map and are identified by the Center Director prior to the calendar year and tracked either monthly, semi or annually. Objectives that are “*” are strategic objectives that are goaled and tracked by the Lead Center and required through SBA
  • Other objectives are agreed upon strategies and tracked by Center Directors

Column 4: Measure = Numeric number or % metric to be tracked and used to monitor progress

  • Numeric numbers are negotiated upon with Lead Center
  • Center provides with all non-negotiated measurse

Column 5: Tracked By = LC (Lead Center) or C (Center)
Items are either tracked by the Lead Center through CenterIC or through the Center Director and reported in CenterIC as a reportable.

Column 6: Type = Leading or Lagging Indicators

  • Leading Indicator: Leading indicators are metrics that leads to improvement. A lead measure tells you how you are doing along the way and allows you to adjust performance so that you can be more successful in achieving your goal.
  • Lagging Indicator: Performance measures that represent the consequences of actions previously taken. Lagging focuses on results at the end of a time period of historic performance. Lagging indicators usually trail behind and is the result of actions that have already taken place.

Column 7: Annual Target = Goals that are negotiated or provided to the Lead Center

  • The perspectives that have “*” have been negotiated with the Lead Center. Those goals are tracked by the Lead Center and reported monthly. All other targets are provided to the Lead Center by the Center Director detailing activities listed in the Semi-Annual/Annual SBA narrative report.

Column 8: Actual = Monthly goals that have been the result of center actions

  • The actual numbers will be tracked by the Lead Center on the “*” perspectives only and updated monthly. The remaining objectives/goals will be tracked by the enter or Lead Center (see Column 5) every quarter and updated on the form by the Center Director.

Column 9: % of Yearly Goal = % Achieved of yearly goal

  • This Column is to depict the % of yearly goal achieved. This is calculated by actual (Column 8) divided by annual target (Column 7)

Column 10: Status (G,Y,R) = Indicates the stop light visual

  • Green: On track or surpassed to meet annual target by the end of the year (Column 7) posted in the Actual (Column 8). See key for the % progress towards goals for each measures.
  • Yellow: within reasonable target zone at this point in time. This is a danger zone as it could turn red or green quickly.
  • Red: Not in the acceptable zone for the time frame being posted. Red indicates that the Center is clearly not meeting set goals and it would be difficult to meet the negotiated goals set. The red indicator also drops the average ROI for the entire network.

All negotiated goals will remain in the yellow zone for a six (6) month time-frame. At the 6 month mark, the semi-annual narrative is due (mid July). The Lead Center will then adjust the status color to refelct the appropriate status color starting in July. 

It is the responsibility of the Center Director to discuss all the RED zone indicators with the State Director. At that point, the Center Director should provide a “plan of action” on how the goals will be met

It is the responsibility of the Center Director to provide details to the Lead Center on activities that have been conducted in all perspectives that are not tracked by the Lead Center if the status color is to change prior to the Annual SBA Narrative. 

Column 11 and 12: Two Previous year Comparisons
Only the “*” items that are tracked by the Lead Center and CenterIC will be compared for trend analysis purposes.

  • This data is to be utilized to plan monthly/yearly goals accordingly.


Step 1: Completion of Strategy Map
See Appendix A-1 Colorado SBDC Network Strategic Map for example.

The Strategy Map is a one-page graphical representation of what the Colorado SBDC Network must do wel lin each of the six perspectives in order to successfully execute our strategy. It is also a direct reflection from the Balanced Scorecard Deliverables. The three (3) Themes were decided by the Center Directors at the strategic planning session in Grand Junction, June 2010.
Core Values: Strategic Objectives that fall under the Core Value theme are considered “normal” SBDC activities that will typically happen on an annual basis.

State-wide Breakthroughs: Strategic Objectives that fall under the State-wide Breakthroughs theme are new objectives that all centers will work on that are considered “innovative”. Breakthroughs can stem from the State of Colorado, Cluster industries that Colorado is striving to serve, accreditation or initiatives from SBA requirements.

Local: Strategic Objectives that fall under the Local Theme are objectives that each center director has determined are appropriate for her community.
Step 2: Balanced Scorecard
See above for definitions, procedures, and process. Balance Scorecard (BSC) inputs are derived from the Strategy Map. The same initiatives should be present by the BSC transforms them into data fields that will be tracked and updated monthly.

Step 3: SBA Narrative
The SBA Narrative is an on-going detailed document that is listed in CenterIC. All the activities listed in the BSC shall have a narrative code attached (drop down box) through the CenterIC reportable events. The full details of all activites are listed in CenterIC and referenced back for the Work-plan updates.

Step 4: Work-plan Update
Workplan Updates are used to record the actual accomplishments of the network to meet the BSC Initiatives. The form mirrors the BSC with location of full details to be listed (SBA Narrative code, CenterIC, or other).

This form is to be completed prior to the new Calendar year (Columns 1-5) – updated with the Semi/Annual SBA report (Column 6 only)

Column 1: Perspective
-This column matches the perspectives column in the Balanced Scorecard Measurable
E – Economic Perspective
C – Client Perspective
I – Internal Processes
P – Professional Development
F – Financial/Funding Perspective
S – Stakeholders Perspective

Column 2: Theme
-Theme follows the same themes as the Balanced Scorecard Measurable and tracked back to the Strategic Map Headings
Core – Core Values
SWB – Statewide Breakthrough
Local – Local Themes

Column 3: Strategic Objectives
-This Column directly reflects the objectives listed on the Balance Scorecard Measurable Form

Column 4: Strategic Initiatives: These are the activities that each SBDC will implement in order to achieve the stated objectives

-The initiatives are to be completed by the Center Director and provided to the Lead Center prior to the new calendar year.
-Strategic initiatives are the action steps the center will take to accomplish the Strategic Objectives

Column 5: Timing/Deployment
-Timing and deployment can be posted in quarter or year that the initiatives (actions) will take place. For example: Q1, Q2 (quarterly goals) or CY2011, CY2013 (multi-year/long term goals)

Column 6: Narrative Code
-List the code that matches the SBA semi/annual narrative report where the action steps are fully described in detail. The description should be posted in CenterIC as a reportable event. If actions are not considered a reportable event, it should appeard in the SBA semi/annual narrative report.

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