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A multi-faceted program maximizing the economic potential of Colorado companies SBDC TechSource Apply for TechSource Innovate Name Email Company Title Address Phone Website Sales Tax License Number Business Start Date Business Type Retail Service Wholesale Manufacturing Construction Other NAICS Code(s) if known Business Organization Sole Proprietor Partnership Corporation S Corporation LLC Number of Company Locations - In state Number of Company Locations - Out of State Percentage of Physical Assets - In State Percentage of Physical Assets - Out of State Gross Sales for the past 2 years Projected gross sales for the next 2 years Net income for the past 2 years Projected net income for the next 2 years Number of FTE the past 2 years AND percentage which were employed in Colorado Projected number of FTE for the next 2 years AND percentage employed in Colorado Owner Operated? Yes No Home Based? Yes No Is there a current business plan? Yes No Please select the Industry Sector(s) that best fit your company and innovation Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Aerospace Agricultural Technologies Bioscience and Medical Devices Digital Media Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Energy and Clean Technologies Other (please describe in box below) Other (please describe) Please briefly describe your company and the backgrounds of founders and key management team Please briefly describe your technology and innovation and the potential uses What focus areas are you requesting assistance with? SBIR/STTR/Advanced Industry Grant Support Technology Commercialization Intellectual Property Protection Access to Capital Business Growth Issues (please explain in box below) Other (please explain in box below) Business Growth/Other explanation Have you received an SBIR/STTR or other innovation grant(s) in the past? Yes No If you have received an SBIR/STTR or other innovation grant(s) in the past please explain: The type of grant, the agency or organization awarding the grant, the phase(s) you received, and the years in which the grant was received Please identify 1 to 3 key issues you think will be important to discuss with the SBDC TechSource team- list by priority Please describe your planned outcomes from participation in this program (may include business goals, action items, or specific activities) What Stage of Business are you in? Pre-Startup/Idea Stage Pre-Revenue/R&D/Proof of Concept Stage Post-Revenue - R&D Funding Post-Revenue - Generating revenue from customers What year did you first start working on this idea / technology Date of Incorporation (if applicable) What problem is your innovation solving? Describe your product, service, or technology in 2-3 sentences (please explain whether your solution is still an idea, prototype, or completed product) What is unique about your solution? Describe your target market (size of the market, demographic and psychographic information) Have you conducted primary research? What is your projected revenue over the next 12 months (enter 0 if no revenue is expected) Have you hired anyone beyond the founding team? Yes No How many people are currently working for your company? This would include founders, employees, and contractors. What types of funding have you received to date (select all that apply)? No Funding to Date Friends Family & Founders Government / Academic Funding Programs Angel Investor Crowdfunding Venture Capital Investor Bank Loan Other (please explain below) Other (please describe) Please provide the dollar amount of all funding received to date If you're currently looking for additional funding, how much do you hope to raise / in what time frame? What key business challenges are you looking for assistance with? (i.e. business plan assistance, fundraising, IP strategy / protection, technology commercialization planning, go-to-market strategy, market research, recruitment, financial projections) How did you hear about the program? If referred, by whom? By entering your name here, you are indicating that the above statements are true and correct, and acknowledge that you are electronically signing this application form Submit