Friday, August 16, 2019
UCAR Center Green Campus
33080 Center Green Drive
Boulder, CO 80301
The 2019 SBIR Road Tour is a national outreach effort connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technologies to the country’s largest source of early stage funding—the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Also known as America’s Seed Fund, the SBIR/STTR programs provide over $3 billion in funding to small businesses each year in a wide variety of technology areas.
The 2019 SBIR Road Tour Southwest stop will be hosted by the Boulder Small Business Development Center at the UCAR Conference Center (in Boulder) on August 16. The event will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear directly from the participating federal agency program managers that administer over 5,000 new awards annually and to meet one-on-one with program decision makers.